Sand Blast Ads

October 25, 2010

“Does it explode at the end?”

Among the top questions I’m asked at sand painting performances is “does my painting explode?” Applying this populist fantasy I switched to black powder, an arcane form of gun powder, from black sand. 

After testing black powder for sculpting quality and flamability from impact - I produced, directed & cut this 30 second commercial for FILMCOLUMBIA film festival. Calliope Nicholas brilliantly exec produced it, choosing me, allowing maximum freedom in execution and getting approvals from the Mayor and police department to perform my SAND BLAST.

Film maker, Martin Holt, documenting the shoot.

photos & cinematography

by George Courtney

a.m., happy and sand painting.


3:00 p.m. directing 4 cameras, 6 hrs of performance, production safety and a 3:30 sunlight deadline - pressure.

The Mayor visits the set, Main Street, Chatham, NY

3:45 p.m.